Your Journey to Better Sleep

Take your quiz and within 24 hours you’ll receive:


Sign up and take your sleep quiz. Your answers will be used to assess your current habits across all of the fundamental areas impacting sleep. Use your Score Card to identify which areas need the most attention.
•Green frames mean "doing well"
•Yellow means "1+ areas need work"

•Red means "a lot of work needed"

The red arrows indicate which areas are most urgent to address first!!


Your answers will be used to assess your current habits across all of the fundamental areas impacting sleep. Use your Score Card to identify which areas need the most attention.
•Green frames mean "doing well"
•Yellow means "1+ areas need work"

•Red means "a lot of work needed"

The red arrows indicate which areas are most urgent to address first!!


Our experts will use your responses to build you a Personalized Sleep Plan based on your "red arrow" areas.

You'll get the 2-3 most essential changes you can make based on your habit analysis. Don't worry – we've kept it nice and simple! You can begin implementing these changes at your own pace and watch as your sleep (and health) begins to transform!


Our experts will use your responses to build you a Personalized Sleep Plan based on your "red arrow" areas.

You'll get the 2-3 most essential changes you can make based on your habit analysis. Don't worry – we've kept it nice and simple! You can begin implementing these changes at your own pace and watch as your sleep (and health) begins to transform!


In addition to your custom plan, you'll receive the exclusive 44-page Sleep Guide built by our team of sleep experts.

Learn how morning, daytime, and evening activities impact your sleep and take a glimpse into how to optimize your sleep environment. No fluff – just pure actionable tips and the latest and greatest in sleep research.

You'll also get tips for reducing stress, building a healthy sleep drive, and recommendations for common problems.

Skip the stress and learn how to begin feeling Rested today!


In addition to your custom plan, you'll receive the exclusive 44-page Sleep Guide built by our team of sleep experts.

Learn how morning, daytime, and evening activities impact your sleep and take a glimpse into how to optimize your sleep environment.

You'll also get tips for reducing stress, building a healthy sleep drive, and recommendations for common problems.


Want to completely reboot your sleep? Included in your plan is the Rested Health App. Keep an eye out in your inbox for an exclusive invite.

It contains a professionally crafted 4-week curriculum with weekly check-ins to help you totally reboot your sleep system. Along the way you'll get helpful tips for falling asleep faster, sleeping through the night, and waking up feeling refreshed.

You'll also gain access to the Rested Health Library containing hundreds of articles with the latest research on sleep topics.


Much like the diet and exercise boom of the early 2000s, scientists and health experts now widely recognize that sleep is a pillar of good health. In fact, it may be the most important pillar of good health.
Sleep deprivation negatively impacts everything – your skin, metabolism, brain health, and may even increase your risk of dementia. Rested Health is here to teach you how to undo bad habits and optimize your sleep. One night at a time.
The rewards of better sleep are compounding. Consider Rested Health a personal trainer for your slumber. If you’d like to improve every single aspect of your health under the guidance of experts, we’re worth a try.
Depending on your current lifestyle and habits, you may see some immediate results. Most people start to notice a significant difference in their energy, appearance, and mood after about four weeks. Everyone is different, but the more you commit to the program, the greater your results will be.
We are dedicated to helping you sleep better – no matter what life throws your way. We also want to focus on change that lasts. After completing your program you’ll gain essential skills that will help you better manage stress, disruptions, and other challenges for the rest of your life. 
Absolutely. We aren’t offering run-of-the-mill solutions, we’re offering highly sophisticated solutions backed by world-renowned sleep experts. 
Our experts have treated thousands of people with sleep issues. We use techniques from psychology to help you re-form habits, and science-backed advice to help you tackle your problems. Improving your sleep is possible – we’ll show you how.
There is no other activity or substance that has the same powerful benefits to your health as sleep. Sleep is your brain’s recharging station. It strengthens your immune system. It regulates hunger, improves metabolism, makes your heart healthier, and even improves the texture of your skin. Sleep makes you quicker, sharper, and better equipped to tackle daily stress. If someone offered you a daily pill with all of these benefits – wouldn’t you take it?
We are currently offering a limited time promotional price of $9.99 for your Personalized Rested Health sleep plan and the 44-page Comprehensive Sleep Guide.
For the price of a medium pizza you can learn how to transform your relationship with sleep and unlock your superpowers! 
Our number one priority is helping you sleep, and we know we can do it because we’ve done it for thousands of people!  So, if you aren’t happy with your experience, we’ll give you your money back! No hassle, no stress. 

It's Time to Feel Rested

Sleep is the absolute foundation of good health. It's time to reap the benefits that better sleep can offer.

Learn what it's like to wake up every morning energized and ready to take on the day.

Feel better. Look Better. Live Better.